Hello my friends!!!
I was away from my blog the past week since I had too many things to finish, to many gifts to complete and too many friends to see. I have to admit that it was a crazy but wonderful week.
Christmas may passed but we have New Years Eve and it is also not too late to offer your handmade wishing card to your beloved friends. I have created an easy one this year with my princess!

So what will you need:
– Two different colored paper ( I use olive green and ecru)
– Glow
– Scissor ( a single one and a scissor with schemas)
– two different washi tapes (the card also can be done with just a single one)
So let’s start. First of all choose with colored paper you will use as a base of the card and cut it in the size you wish.
With the second colored paper just cut with the scissor that creates “waves” (or whatever schema you have) a smaller square, just to fit perfectly to your card.
Cut your washi tapes in small pieces and just keep in mind to have every time a smaller piece and glow it on your square paper. In this way you will create a wonderful full of colors Christmas tree.
Complete your tree with a tiny star, cut it with scissor or just use a paper pacher with a star schema.
Your handmade Christmas card is ready!!!!
Happy Holidays!!!

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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!


  1. Dimitra Decorasylum Reply

    Πολύ πολύ όμορφη!! Χρόνια Πολλά 🙂

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