I was thinking about this post but I kept cancelling without any specific reason. Today is my day and this is the greatest opportunity for it! Happy Name Day to me!!!!
Please take some Chocolate or a piece of delicious cake!!! Coffee please?
So it was about time to give a gift to myself and to my blog…a small face lift! After all this blog is like a diary to me. I love it and I want to make it beautiful firstly to my eyes. The banner and the signature changed and of course some details and icons in the main page…my friend Dimitra helped me a lot! Thank you sweety!
And then I was planning to change the name of the blog…I removed the Creations part, not because I dislike it, but because this blog has been changed to a “magazine”! What I am saying is that when I stared it in the first place, I had it only for uploading my jewelry creations. I didn’t like it a lot, I wanted it to be something more, to be interesting, to become something that you want to read and not feel that you spend your precious time. So I changed it. And I changed it again. And again. I added more themes, recipes, tutorials, traveling experiences and more. And I am still trying to improve it further.
My last addition is the street fashion posts…yes I am a model or what? hahahaha
So what are my feelings? Ef Zin for me is my daily life, my interests, my crafts. I love having people around, I like to share with you creations from other artists or great blogposts. I am a typical woman as the 99% of the women in the world. But I am feeling lucky to have three different roles…woman, wife and mother and the “artist” inside me. That’s why my new banner has three different circles…the circles of my life!
Woman…everything that concerns me about fashion, housekeeping, beauty, travels and many more.
Wife and mother…anything about family experiences, memories and games and fun and concerns and…
The artist…everything about crafting, cooking, outfits…
I am not a super blogger, I do not know everything about fashion for example. I am not the perfect wife and mother. I do have dreams that I have not fullfilled yet. I also have nerves, tiredness, I am afraid of specific things, I do not have plenty time to cook great meals, I am fat, I do eat a lot, I do speak a lot when I have something to say, I cannot spend money for expensive cloths and I cannot go out for a coffee whenever I want, I do not shoot great photos. But again I dream a lot, I am realistic over the limit, I adore my hubby and my kids are everything to me, I do try to be happy and have a happy family and I love my friends… and in conclusion I am a woman!
That’s why I love this blog…because I can express my thoughts about my experiences, to write about the fashion as I see it as I like it, to share my crafts with you even the most easy or stupid, to travel you away even if this away is Crete, to introduce you other friends that I love their work, to share with you cooking experiences even if the sweets or meals are really simple to make…to do what I do in my home! After all life is more simple if you just do everything according to your wishes, needs and taste and not because you have to do it! That’s why I adore to read your comments. That’s why my blog now is just EfZin..the best wish for you…to live well!
So please let me share with you my new ME!
Thank you for being part of my blog world!
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