It was about time to have another recipe on my blog. I couldn’t post any so far, not because I do not cook (even thought I wish I could have a personal chef in my home…dream on) but because now that we are four, I cook in high speed and we eat them even faster…so no time for photo. But ok… I managed to photo shoot my favorite Orange muffins with dark chocolate drops! Yummy and easy to cook them!


 ¼ cup sunflower oil
–     ½ cup orange juice
–     1/2 teaspoon orange icing
–     1 egg
–     1 ½ cup flour
–     ¾ cup white sugar
–     1 teaspoon baking powder
–     1 teaspoon baking soda
–     100gr chocolate drops
For the orange icing
180gr cheese cream
140gr fine flour sugar
1 teaspoon orange shaving
2-3 teaspoon orange juice
In a bowl mix the oil with the sugar. Add the egg and keep mixing until  the mix becomes homogeneous.
In a cup add the baking soda with the orange juice, mix it and add it in the above mixture.
In a small bowl add the flour, the baking soda and the salt and blend it. Add slowly the mixture to the first one and keep mix it until it become homogeneous. Stop using the mixer, add the chocolate drops and keep mixing it for a
while with scoop. Your mix is ready.  Fill the cupcake pan or a muffin cup with the cake batter and bake it for 20-25 minutes in a preheat oven in 160 degrees C. The cupcakes are done when you insert a toothpick at the center and it comes out clean. Let it cool in a cooling rack. Prepare the icing and decorate your cupcakes…and bon appétit !
The icing cream just makes them even more delicious! Enjoy them with a cup of coffee or in your breakfast!
Happy Cooking!!!!
mats mouts

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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!

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