Even thought I love Easter, I usually do not add any Easter details in my home decor. But this year I have changed my mind! We also prepared fast and really easy cute full of color eggs on sticks!


What we will need:
– Wooden Sticks
– Painting Brush
– Colors
– Styrofoam Eggs
– Ribbon


The procedure is really easy! Just give the eggs to your kids and let them paint them as they wish. In the beginning when I saw them, I got confused since I wanted them more …what to say…organised with colors in stripes maybe? But on a second thought, I adored them…they were full of colors and with no symmetry at all and I consider them as a small piece of art! Well, my princess is full of imagination!



Let them dry and then use the sticks



and just add on or more pieces of ribbon.



They are ready!!!! What do you think?



My princes just put them in a small empty planter just next to my bed, to admire them all the time! And I think that they are just great in that place, cause every morning I see their colors and I smile!



Cute or not? Have you done anything ?crazy? in your Easter decor?

Happy Crafting!!!
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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!


  1. Τα παιδιά έχουν αυτή την ιδιότητα της καλλιτεχνίας και μάλιστα με επιτυχία Ζηνάκι…τι να πω; είναι ωραία με ζωηρά χρώματα και το καλύτερο που τα βλέπεις στο ξύπνημα σου…φιλάκια!

  2. Από την πρώτη στιγμή που τα είδα στο facebook με μάγεψαν κι ας μην έχουν συμμετρία και συγκεκριμένο σχέδιο!Με κάποιο τρόπο τα συνδύασε υπέροχα τα χρώματα η μικρή σου!

  3. Ότι είναι από παιδιά νομίζω είναι όμορφο, είμαι σίγουρη ότι αν την ρωτούσες για τα χρώματα θα σου έδινε μία απίστευτη δικαιολογία γιατί τα επέλεξε. Έχουν τρελή φαντασία!!

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