It was about time to share with you another easy tutorial about a beauty product! A home-made soap with lavender with Glycerine and goat milk soap base. A soap that is perfect for your hands, your face, your bath!
1 cup Goat Milk Soap Base ( I used this one)
1 cup Glycerine Soap Base ( I used this one)
1 drop red food coloring
1 drop blue food coloring
a tablespoon Lavender flowers
8-10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Soap Molds (if you do not have any, just use ice cube molds)
The procedure is the known… the one that we used for the Lavender and Lemon Soaps but this time we repeat it in two steps.
Step 1: Use a bowl perfect for your microwave. Cut the Milk soap base in pieces and heat it for about 40secs in your microwave. It should be liquid by now but if not heat it for a few seconds more. Add the Lavender essential oil drops in your mixture and one drop of red and blue food coloring ( in order to make it purple) and stir it well. Put the mixture in the soap molds, but have in mind not to fill them, just use half of them.
Step 2: Cut the Glycerine Soap base and put the pieces in a bowl perfect for microwave. Heat it again for about 40secs or more if it needed. Add the Lavender flowers and stir it. Add the second mixture on the molds and leave it to dry.
Your soaps are ready! Home made, with a great aroma and color and schema and ready to use them or to give them as gifts!
Happy Crafting!!!!
PS. All of the materials I used, I have purchased them from Sensities. Just do not forget to mention in your order that you are fan of EfZin blog and you will have 20% discount during checkout (offer is for every product that is not in offer and for not paying with paypal).
ΥΓ. Όλα τα υλικά που χρησιμοποίησα τα έχω προμυθευτεί από το Sensities . Απλά μη ξεχάσετε να αναφέρετε στην παραγγελία σας ότι ειστε αναγνωστες του ΕυΖην μπλογκ ώστε να κερδισετε 20% εκπτωση (δεν ισχυει για προιοντα προσφορας και για αγορες με paypal)