I have a secret to share with you…I have travelled to Fairy-Dream-Land! Oh yes, I have! And what was there???? too many beautiful creatures… but first let me start from the beginning!


I was walking yesterday with a cup of coffee on my hand and  listening my music (going back home from work…actually this is really great time of the day!) and I heard him… “Hello! I am Charlie! I am funny. Nice to meet you”.  I got surprised… a dog that can talk? And dressed like that? Really, isn’t cute? “Would you like to join me to a trip to Fairy-Dream-Land?” Ok…ok… I was awake… this is not happened in my dreams, believe me! So I followed him! I closed my eyes and I got transferred to another place!


Cute blue hair girls was playing around, super allien was flying around, worms eating around, sheeps was singing around…and in the middle was Irene smiling at me! La Camera Felice was the Fairy-Dream-Land… and everyone can go there!!!!

Hi, I am Irene and I love making art for kids because while creating I am entering a world where everything is possible. Kids are my inspiration and like them, I get bored easily so I like learning new things whenever there is an opportunity.


Recently my interest turned into making dolls and this love is definitely going to stay along with painting.

“La Camera Felice” means “The Happy Room”. Why this title? It came up spontaneously because, in my mind, the ideal room should be full of colors, laughs, sweet dreams and art creations of course.



 Because every handmade creation is unique and made by soul with love. It’s an expression of positive energy and how can you say no to that?


Rudolf is here… we are going to Fairy-Dream-Land for a tea and cookies…anyone wanna join us??? Just be prepared… you will see too many cute creatures!!!!


And if you wish to find more information for this trip, just click below
facebook:   La Camera Felice

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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!

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