Being a girl from Crete, I have to admit , I was not fan with mountains at all! Also I didn’t like Autumn or Winter, maybe because in my birthtown this means no tourist so no many people to see! But after a few years in Ioannina city for the univercity, I became a true lover of the mountains! Every year we try with my hubby to visit as many places as we could in Greek mountains, but after having the kids this was not that easy! A few days before, we had the chance to visit and amazing place, to stay in a beautiful small hotal and to relax and have fun with the kids! After all, having vacations with two kids, is a wonderful Challenge! so join me for a small tour to Asiminas Hotel!
Friday morning and the day in Athens was really a rainy one! But even thought we had second thoughts abouut this excursion, since the rain was making our trip a little bit difficult, we decided not to cancel it and actually this was a wise decision! After 2 hours on the road, we finally got to Agoriani village, on the Parnassos mountain! An amazing place, that I will take you also for a walk in another post! Guess what… no rain at all! But a beautiful sun with a few clouds! The perfect weather for our vacations. And then we got to Asiminas Hotel! An amazing one… you know, with dark brown woods and stones and amazing balconys and great view! The perfect place to stay!
And then you open the entrance and a traditional candy bar was waiting for us…ok, not only us, but at that time we were only us, so lucky us!
Homemade liquer, traditional tsipouro drink,
cookies, candies, and my favorite Milk Pie! Isn’t the best way to start your vacation??? Well actually is one of my favorite ways, because the best way was the hostsess’ smile! Asimina was there to welcome us, with an amazing smile! A really friendly lady!

Our room was perfect for a family, with a baby bed for my prince. Incredients for making coffee or tea were available and a mini bar with snacks of course. The beauty care products were all of them organic and there were also available slippers for all of us!
What I love most, is the living room with the fireplace! We spent there too many hours playing with the toys of the hotel, reading books and enjoying our hot drinks… and the milk pie of course! Cozy memories! On Saturday night actually, we have met there also three other families staying at the hotel and we met each other! This was actually great, because the kids were teamed up and were playing all together. It was like being in the hotel with your friends!
Yes, we have also enjoyed out tea outside, even if the weather was a little bit cold! Amazing experience! You breath so much oxygen that actually make you feel full of energy!
One of the things I always like in the hotels, is breakfast! I have been in hotels with low quality in breakfast and I have been in hotels that the food served for breakfast were really yummy! Asimina had a really great breakfast, with local traditional viands and of course many home made recipes!
Really have you tried Orange and Pumpkrin Jam??? Amazing! And the other one I loved was with berries!
Boiled eggs, yogurt and mousli, raisins and almonds, cheece, fresh bread, goat milk and fresh orange juice and so many others to taste! And what happens if you do not like boilled eggs? Then just ask for an omelet and enjoy!
Two days and two nights were not enough to enjoy this place as much as we wished. It was like starting feeling like home. We had great times, we have enjoyed not only the hotel and the fireplace, but also walks in the Parnassos mountain and the forest and of course we have enjoyed traditional food and amazing coffee! Our view from our balcony was amazing and the best way to start your day! It was like being on the clouds!
Asimina is a really polite young lady, always willing to help you for everything and so friendly! The place is so beautiful and cozy and family friendly! The perfect place to stay with or without kids whenever you visit Agoriani!
So just spend a few moments to find more about Asiminas hotel and Agoriani, by following and clicking below:
Thank you Asimina for the hospitality! I am honored to meet you!
Happy day my friends!
mats mouts

Τι όμορφη διαδρομή ΤΙ θαυμάσιο μέρος και ο ξενώνας;!
Όντως Μαρακι, ηταν υπεροχα!
Πανέμορφο χωριό και ο ξενώνας υπέροχος χώρος!
Πολυ όμορφες οι φωτογραφίες σου Ζήνα μου!
Ζήλεψα την γαλατόπιτα χα χαα!
Καλο ΣΚ!Καλα να περάσεις!!Φιλιά!!
χαχαχα θα σου εστελνα λίγη…αλλά δεν έμεινε! αχχααχαχα χιλια ευχαριστω!
Πολύ ομορφο μερος!
Οσο μ αρεσει το Καλοκαίρι, άλλο τόσο μ αρέσει ο Χειμώνας 😉
Η κάθε εποχή έχει τις ομορφιές της τελικα 🙂
Χιλια ευχαριστω!
Φαίνεται πανέμορφο μέρος και ο ξενώνας φυσικά ότι πρέπει! Έχω ήδη αρχίσει και σκέφτομαι Χριστουγεννιάτικες αποδράσεις!
Μου άνοιξες την όρεξη για ταξίδια, θυμήθηκα που πήγαμε το Γενάρη στο Τσεπέλοβο και παραλίγο να αποκλειστούμε από τον τυφώνα "Αριάδνη".Η γαλατόπιτα και οι μαρμελάδες με αποτέλειωσαν! AriadnefromGreece!
Τι υπέροχο μέρος!!! Α ρε Ελλάδα με τα ωραία σου!