Diy Roses and Matcha Tea Bath Salts and enjoy them in your home spa!


Every year these days I am on search and deep thoughts about our gifts to our beloved friends and to the teachers of course. Every time I want to create something unique for all of them, that they will like and use. One of the best gifts to create and that will definitely going to be used from every lady, is beauty products, perfect for a spa in home. So what is the easiest natural beauty product to make for yourself or as a gift to your girlfriends? Bath Salts! Easy to make, everyone can use them, too many things and materials to try and all of them already in our home. This time I wanted to use the Matcha Green Tea, since I have already experiment with it in my Face Scrub and it was simply perfect. Roses to add and they are ready! Bath Salts with Dried Roses and Matcha Green tea!

Every time I want to create a beauty homemade product, is my opportunity and excuse, to have an hour for my spa… hubby actually is not that happy about it, but again it is my relax time! You know… a hot bath, wine on the glass and aromas in the air! Dried roses are one of my favorite material to use in my crafts. Their aroma is amazing and combined with Rose wood is even better! Now add also the green tea and you bath salts are not only here to relax you, but also to take care of your skin! Actually Matcha Green tea is amazing for the skin health also, since it has too many antioxidants benefits and not only!
– 2 cups Mineral and Dead Sea Salt
– 3 tablespoons dry roses
– 8-10 drops Rose Wood essential oil (got it from here)
– 1/3 teaspoon Matcha Green Tea
– Mason Jar


How to prepare it? In less than 5 minutes! First put the dry roses into a food processor and mix for just a few seconds!  The petals break up into beautiful tiny pieces. In a bowl add the sea salts, the essential oil, the tea and the petals and mix them.  Your Bath Salts are ready!!!! Ready to use them or to decorate the jar and offer it as a gift!
I know…you are feeling so relaxed after a bath with salts! And now is the time to take care of your face and hair also! That’s why I want to share with you the amazing offers that Herbally has for the Christmas to all of us. I have tried a few of their products and I have created also my own Body Cream and I loved everything on the list! That’s why, there are more diys to share with you! Be patient 🙂
Happy Crafting my friends! And Happy Spa Time!
mats mouts

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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!


  1. Εσύ κάτι πρέπει να κάνεις με την παρασκευή σπιτικών καλλυντικών… για σκέψου το 🙂 FYI έχουμε το ίδιο ξύλινο δισκάκι χαχαχαχαχαχα

    • χαχαχαχα λες??? μετα θα με κυνηγαει ο καλος μου! χαχαχαχα
      ps. το δισκάκι τα σπάει!

  2. Athanasia - Creations with fantasy Reply

    Τι φάση με το ματσα τσάι? By the way θέλω και γω!

    • δοκιμασε το Αθανασία! απλά μη δώσεις στα μικρά γιατί δίνει τρελή ενέργεια 🙂

  3. η τελεια ιδεα για χριστουγεννιατικα δωρα…να μην πονοκεφαλιαζομαστε τι να αγορασουμε!

  4. Magda Zindrou Reply

    Χαλάρωσα και μόνο στη σκέψη να κάνω κάτι τέτοιο!

    • Δοκιμασε το…βοηθάει λίγος προσωπικώς χρόνος φιλενάδα 🙂

  5. MommyJammi / Mary Liodou Reply

    DIY beauty blogger μαζί με όλα τα άλλα! Μου άρεσε πολύ η ιδέα σου και η παρουσίαση!

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