DIY How to decorate A Fabric Tote Bag with Seguins and add a little more “magic” in your daily Summer style!
Having as an excuse the latest law in my country for the plastic bags and because I always want to protect the environment, it was the perfect time to start using my fabric tote bags again! My favorite bags especially for the Summer time! And if you take into consideration that are my favorite baseline to experiment with diy, then you can imagine how thrilled I was! Afterall it is amazing to create your own accessories for the Summer and not only! So after my Geometric Tote Bag and my beloved Tote Bag with Bows , it was about time to get a new bag and “play” with it! This time, it was a fabric bag with parrots in amazing bold colors!
DIY How to decorate A Fabric Tote Bag with Seguins Materials:
– tote bag with parrots (got it from here)
– Glue for Fabrics (got it from here)
– Seguin Ribbon
– Scissor
I have told it before… I am guge fan of Flying Tiger stores! Every time I visit them, it is impossible not to buy something new. I love their colors and their patterns of course. For this Summer, the trendy pattern was pure exotic with cute parrots and exotic birds! I fall in love with my new tote bag! And then I was thinking…how can I make it even more shinny??? Something cute but minimal also for me? Seguins of course! My princess adores them, but I am not that fanatic with them. On the other hand I wanted to try them on my new bag, but not over do it with them. So, experiments started….
I found in the same store a ribbon with seguins and the next sters were really easy! Only seguins and glue for fabrics! First of all decide how to decorate your bag and then start glue the seguin’s ribbon. At the end on the pattern, just make a simple knot on the thread and glue it below the last senguin, in order to “hide” it. Allow the glue to dry for a night and you are done! The specific fabric glue is perfect because does not make any marks on the fabric!
Blue senguins for the parrot and then hot pink in the beak and it is more than perfect for me. Shinny but not that shinny!
My princess got thrilled with the bag and she decided that we need to craft another one for her. So we visited again the same store. And it was that specific time, that we decided to prepare two bags more and offer them to our teachers as a Summer farewell gift. The bags of course had also small gifts for the beach and not only!
A puzzle for boring times, a small notebook with a cute pencil, aromatic soap and of course yummy orange candies…because yoou never know when you will need them!
My princess choosed another pattern of tote bag, with more pastel colors. Purple and hot pink and blue senguins and the tote bag is done also!
A beautiful alsmo handmade gift for our teachers in order to wish them a beautiful Summer. Pure in Summer style and according to our taste! As you can imagine, my princess also got her own tote bag!
Happy Crafting!!!!
mats mouts
I have finally found a DIY my not-so creative self can do and even teach the little ones !Thanks a lot for the post.
Wow you’ve done this so neatly! I don’t think mine could ever come out like that, I love the pelican one x
First of all I love the reason why you prefer the Tote bag, to protect the environment, and second the Parrot Tote Bag is simply lovely. You’re very creative and inspired at the same time. Now I want to make my own Tote bag.
I always love a good tote bag! These look so fab and love the use of the shiny sequins x
I love the designs. I personally love using eco and tote bags. It’s a good recycling idea.
This seems easier having the string and just sticking it. What I normally go is gather a few sequens and manually stitch the whole thing in place . So the whole bird is covered in sequens. Lovely work and love the bags turned out.
Oh my goodness! What a great way to bling any bag! How lovely this is! I love the parrot one most. I just love how bright it is!