Welcoming a new foster child into your home can be both exciting and challenging. Creating a welcome kit is a thoughtful way to help a child feel comfortable, loved, and supported as they transition into their new home. Preparing a welcome kit in advance will also help you feel organized and ready to focus your energy on helping your new foster child adjust. Taking the time to carefully curate meaningful items shows that you are committed to making the child feel at home.

Here are some tips for making a welcome kit that will mean a lot to a child fostered with fcascotland.co.uk.

Choose a Container

  • Select a basket, box or bag to hold the welcome kit items. Opt for something durable yet homey, like a woven basket or fabric box. The container itself can become a treasured keepsake.
  • Decorate the outside with the child’s name, uplifting messages like “Welcome Home”, fun designs, photos, etc. Personalise it to show you’ve created it just for them.
  • Line the inside with tissue paper, raffia, or other festive materials to make it feel like opening a gift when they explore the contents.

Include Comfort Items

  • Cosy blankets and soft cuddly toys can provide emotional comfort. Select neutral colours/patterns or find out the child’s preferences.
  • Add pyjamas and slippers to help them feel relaxed and at home. Kids’ sizes can be hard to guess so pick stretchy/adjustable items.
  • Provide sensory items like stress balls, fidget spinners, modelling clay, bubbles, etc. These give anxious hands activities to stay occupied.
  • Include headphones or earplugs to help block out unfamiliar sounds as they adjust.

Make Them Feel Special

  • Add a personalised welcome note on a card or framed picture. Share your family’s excitement to meet them.
  • Incorporate photos of family members, pets, their bedroom, etc. so they can start putting names to faces.
  • Have each family member contribute a small gift like books, toys, art/craft supplies, or hygiene items they think the child will enjoy.

Support Their Needs

  • Provide a journal and a nice pen for writing thoughts, dreams, or memories. Decorating the journal cover together can be a future bonding activity.
  • Include a calendar/planner they can use to keep track of schedules, appointments, and birthdays. This promotes stability.
  • Gather school supplies like notebooks, pencils, a backpack, etc. if they have been placed with your family during the school year.
  • Add a nightlight, torch, or glow-in-the-dark stars to ease bedtime fears in an unfamiliar place.

Final Touches

  • Make a simple photo book with captions introducing your home, family traditions, pets, and local community.
  • Create a list of household rules/expectations to review together. Explain these in a warm, positive way.
  • Include takeaway menus from favourite restaurants to browse for future family meals.
  • Add a gift card so they can choose a special treat for themselves.

With a thoughtful welcome kit filled with comfort items, surprises, and necessities, you can help a foster child feel cared for and secure as they transition into your home. The love and effort you put into it will reassure them that they are welcomed.


Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!

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