Mushrooms in Parnassos Mountain! An amazing microworld that you can discover walking in the forest of Parnassos mountain in Greece!
Autumn in the mountain! Really, I believe that this is the greatest season to visit the forest, to breath fresh air, to admire the nature, to walk among the trees, to smell the aromas! Autumn in Parnassos and a walk in the forest after the rain. Simply amazing!
Saturday morning in Agoriani and after a great breakfast we had in Asiminas Hotel we were ready to go for a walk and discover tha mountain! It was actually our first time in Parnassos and the day was just perfect to have a small excursion in the forest. So we start driving without a purpose and without a map. We were just following the road and we have decided that we will do whatever we like without having a program. After all we were on vacation!
20mins driving and it was about time to have our first stop. Kids were complaining why we have stopped in nowhere! This is what I want to change on them. Both of them are growing in the big city and they do not understand the beauty of Nature, even thought we try so far to have even small walks in the mountains and forest close to our city. Anyway, the kids did not want leave the car, but I told them that in the forest there are too many amazing things to see and discover…so they trusted me and we start exploring around. And they were thrilled!
Amazing firs, moss all over in the ground and in the woods, plants with red berries and so other amazing plants that I did not know thier existence! But most of all, we loved the mushrooms! So many of them all around us… among the moss in the ground, on the trees’ body, into the trees’ holes, in brown color, and white and dark brown almost like black! The kids were excited and they start walking around in order to find more! My daughter and I were there with our cameras and we photoshooting everything…Nature is the most amazing thing to photoshoot and the best model to learn the macro of your camera (yes, my princess did great!).
And then my prince wondered… Mom are also the Smurfs living here??? There are too many mushrooms… and they start again exploring the forest to discover little blue smurfs! But guess…no Smurfs in this forrest, or maybe there were hidden! It was pitty that I did not know anything about mushrooms. I do not know which of them can be eaten or not! Really pitty…
Usually after a rain I do not want to do anything instead of staying at home. But have you ever been in a forest after a rain? The aroma of the trees and the wet soil is amazing! The colors of the forest are more bold and the leaves like having sparkles on them. The drops are like small mirrors on them. The perfect place to be after the rain, even thought we have made dirty our cloths!
At the beginning kids were complaining about leaving the car and in the end they were complaining about leaving the forrest. So we kept driving and we had more amazing small visits and walks among the trees. We have discovered more beautiful plants and small churches and we have walked among the clouds (yes the clouds were in our path and it was so dreamy!). We have collected materials to use (yes yes I have collected so many beautiful leaves and moss and branches!!!) for our decor and crafts! But most of all, we have met the forest, we have enjoyed Parnassos and we have spend there 4 hours full of fun and smiles! We were away from the big city, just the four of us, doing nothing and enjoying everything! Isn’t this great?
mats mouts
Με ταξίδεψες μέσα από τις φωτογραφίες σου σε μέρος μαγικό… Είναι πραγματικά τόσο "ζωντανές"!!!
Σε ευχαριστω πολύ Μαράκι μου!
Τι όμορφο μέρος! Πραγματικά δε βλέπω την ώρα για τις Χριστουγεννιάτικες διακοπές μας!
Με το καλο Κατερινάκι!
Τι όμορφα που είναι! Σαν να βγήκε από παραμύθι ❤️ Τώρα θέλω να πάω κι εγώ! 😉
Ω!!! χαιρομαι που σου άρεσε Ελεάννα! Με το καλό να πας…θα το λατρέψεις!
Συμφωνώ και εγω Ζήνα μου!!!Ειναι τόσο ζωντανές οι φωτογραφίες σου,σαν να ήμουν εκεί!Λατρευω το δάσος με τις ομορφιές του!Υπεροχες όλες σου οι φωτό!!
Καλες γιορτες!Καλα να περάσετε!!Πολλα φιλιά!!
Σε ευχαριστω πολύ Δημητρά μου! Καλή Χρονια να έχουμε 🙂
Αγαπώ τις φωτογραφίες συ! Τι φωτογραφική έχεις?
canon φυσικά! μεγάλη αγάπη 🙂
Υπέροχες φωτογραφίες!!! υπέροχη φύση!! υπέροχα χρώματα!!!
Ευχαριστω πολύ κούκλα!!!!