{ Guest post from Natasa}

Good Morning my friends!
How was your weekend? Hope it was great! New week and a New month and I would like to start it with a really fresh and amazing post from a special blog friend, Natasa!
There are not many to say for her, just she is an amazing young lady who owns a cute, beautiful blog about real life moments and her hobbies cupcakes and scrabooking! To be honest I didn’t know what scrabooking is ( I know about cupcakes…who doesn’t?) and I discovered it in Creative Tsouf blog. Are you curious????


I discovered scrapbooking a few years ago and I this is not  just another hobby for me but a way of life. I’m not an expert. I’ve written this post only from my personal experience and I hope that someone starts scrapbooking today!

●What is scrapbooking {Wikipedia}

Scrapbooking is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of a scrapbook. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journaling.
●Why to start scrapbooking 

//Keep your memories fresh and organized with creative way//
Do you remember all of your birthdays? You have photos from those happy moments that’s why you remember them! But do you remember all of your happy moments? When you graduated, when you moved to your new house, when your sister’s baby was born or when your grandmother hugged your child for the first time? You can’t have photos from every moment but you can keep the memories alive! Write down every feeling , draw something next to your text and an embellishment – you just started your new hobby!

//Free psychotherapy// 
Someone said that we only remember the good moments not all the day. But there are some times in the day that you are going crazy (mostly on work) and nobody will hear you better than your journal – friend! 

//Legacy to descendants//
The kids are getting old so fast! Every single day is an evolution for them! With all these photographs organized in a creative album or  pages , you leave something to them and when they grow up they will totally appreciate it!
●How to start 

//Materials and basic tools// 
You don’t need to buy everything for your new hobby but it’s good to collect things. For example a nice product packaging will be nice to decorate a scrapbook page, newspaper is always interesting for background and tissue paper from your brand new shoes is great, too.

If you want to buy some new materials is good to make a good search to all scrapbooking shops and you will find millions of beautiful products (papers, pattered papers, stickers, stamps, ink etc)

Some basic tools are necessary: scissors, pens, glue, a cutting mat.  There are also so many more tools to buy such as punches, eyelet setters, Guillotines & Trimmers etc.

My advice is to choose carefully and think if you will really use any of the products you will buy. 

//Photos small things//
You don’t need to have the best camera to take photos these days! Everyone has a camera-cell phone or a digital camera. Shoot every inspiring things for you, a possible memory to scrapbook ! 

You can also use a magazine page that inspires you or your kids’ drawings. 
The small souvenirs from Paris, the tickets from the Acropolis museum, a little dried flower from your grandmother’s garden, a birthday candle or small pebbles from a beautiful island that you visit! 

Leave your shelf and write without critics! Write everything comes on your mind, everything you get from that photo you just stacked on the paper. You can also write a title, a poem, lyrics from a song, quotes from movies. 

Express yourself and create something beautiful for you!

You can see here on my blog some examples of layouts (scrapbook pages) or handmade mini albums.
text & images copyright © Natasa Tsouf 2013


Thank you Natasa!!! So great ideas and tips! Thank you for sharing them!!!

And if you want to discover more about Natasa, please meet her in
facebook Creative Tsouf 
pinterest : natasatsouf 

Have a wonderful July!!!!

        Mats mouts!
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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!


  1. Rohmah Noor Rosyidah Reply

    thanks for sharing, i'll make my own scrapbook. can't wait 🙂


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