I have to admit, when I first start blogging I had no idea about photoshooting and how to present food or crafts or whatever. But after a while you just cannot do nothing to improve your photos. The most importand of all of course, is to find your style. And mine, at least for now, is color! I have told you that already…colo and more color! So, my boy’s birthday party was just the perfect opportunity to make again this amazing carrot cake with a delicious lemon icing and to just re-photoshoot it. No, I do not consider that my photos are ok yet, but still are much better than my photos in my first posts. And keep trying! But what about the cake… just try it! You will find the recipe here! Buon Appetite!
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Passion crafter , dreamer, lover of travelling and of good food, fan of colors and of photography! Lucky mother of two, who help me extend my imagination! EfZin…live well, dream and laugh!


    • χαχαχα πες στη Νινα να ερθετε σπιτι να το εχω ετοιμο!

  1. Προσωπικα τις φωτο σου τος βρισκω τελειες…μου αρεσει η φωτεινοτητα που εκπεμπουν…δεν ξερω να στο πω "επιστημονικα"!!!χαχα!το δε κεικ….τρεχουν τα σαλια μου κοριτσακι…

  2. Να σου ζήσει ο μικρούλης σου Ζίνα μου, γερός και δυνατός! Καλά πλάκα μας κάνεις για τις φωτογραφίες σου… είναι από τις πιο καθαρές και αφαιρετικά όμορφες που κυκλοφορούν στην blogoσφαιρα! Καλό μήνα κοριτσάκι!

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